September 20, 2024

What the Car Dealership DOESN'T Want You to Know

  Well done!  You beat the dealer at their own game.  You’ve just saved thousands of dollars and now you’re watching as your brand new car is coming out of their detail dept.  There are just three things left.  The first two are important.  The last one is VERY important!

  • CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index.  This is very important to a dealership.  You will get an online survey asking about your buying experience from the company who made the car.  This is how the dealership is graded and only a perfect score is good enough.  This is your last bargaining chip.  If you’re not completely satisfied with how your car looks or your deal, make sure you let the salesperson knows that you will give them a perfect score if they make it right.  Also, if you they help you or your experience was enjoyable then give them a perfect score.  It’s important to the salesperson.
  • RADIO, SPARE TIRE, CLOCK – This is where the salesperson sets your clock, shows you where the spare tire and jack is, shows you how to set the radio, hooks up your phone to the radio, etc…I know you’ve been at the dealership a long time and are ready to get out of there but make sure they do all of this.  You just bought a car from them…let them get all of this set-up for you.
  • VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!! – If the dealership ever calls you after you have left the dealership and says they “Need you to come in and resign a few things” if it changes the contract as much as one penny higher you don’t have to re-sign.  Just show them your copy of the Purchase Agreement and the Retail Installment Contract (the contract with your interest % and payments) and tell them they need to stick to this agreement.  If they insist, tell them you’ll speak with a lawyer about it and get back to them.  You need to hold them to that contract.  Trust me…they would hold you to it.  If everything stays the same on the dollar side and they just forgot to have you sign an odometer statement or a rebate form  – that’s cool – just resign.  

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